SE is a Ready School!

Summerside is a "Ready School" as designated by the Ohio Department of Education, the Kelloggs Foundation, and the Sister's of Mercy Charity.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summerside's Blog is Launched!

Today, I took off my principal's hat in order to be a student so I could learn all about cool web tools to show the teachers at school this fall. It was a great day! I learned how to create this blog and I can't wait to share it with you at school. My friend Mrs. Hilderbrand (former AMS assistant principal) is here with me today from Lakota West. We are leaning together. I think learning with a friend is the best way to tackle something new and challenging.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. Homee, friendly, open and inviting. Whoever wrote the text - very well done. Makes we want to visit, or donate books, or something. Not likely to happen though, since I'm in Sun City Center, Florida. Best of luck.

