SE is a Ready School!

Summerside is a "Ready School" as designated by the Ohio Department of Education, the Kelloggs Foundation, and the Sister's of Mercy Charity.

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Grade Feast 2010

First grade’s annual Thanksgiving Day Feast was held on Wednesday, November 23, 2010.  A huge thank you to all of our parents and volunteers who helped our first grade teachers provide an authentic community feast for some of our youngest eagles. Little Pilgrims and Native Americans were found eating together down the first grade hallway demonstrating peace and good-will. The children get so excited to participate in a fun learning experience that celebrates our country’s traditions.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Parent Technology Night

Tuesday 11/23/10 @ 7:30 p.m. in the gym

Parents, come and learn about the technology the students are using at school to make learning fun and interesting!  Some of you favorite teachers will be sharing what's new in technology at Summerside and most importantly showing you how you can get involved from home.  Topics covered in the tech event will include:

SE Blogs       Education City    Reading Street Online      Study Island      Progress Book     Fastt Math

Fill out a short parent survey and enter to win one of two i-tune gift cards at the door.
Dr. Don Kaufman and Cecilia Berg from the Oxford Society presented Summerside Elementary fifth grade teachers with a sculpture entitled, “Race to the Sea.” The sculpture represents hatchling green sea turtles leaving the nest and making their way to the sea. For the past seven years the fifth grade students have participated in an end of year penny war to raise money for the Oxford Society. The money raised, over $6000 so far, has been used to assist with a green sea turtle population recovery program in Costa Rica. The recovery program seems to be succeeding, with more adult turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs each year.

Thank you to all the students and families that have helped with this project.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Monday Blog 11-8-10

Here’s to our Heroes: Reading Saves the Day! Make plans for our first book fair of the year on Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 at Summerside. We will celebrate Grandparents Day for students in grades K-2. Soon, a flyer will be coming home inviting parents and grandparents to school to shop with your students to school. Parents, a sale preview book flyer will be coming home with students after Thanksgiving.

Report Cards come home this Friday, November 12, 2010. Check your child’s school bag for this important document. Congratulations to all the students on working hard to earn their grades this quarter. Mrs. Austin will hold Town Hall meetings for students in grades 1-5 on Friday (11/12) to hand out awards. We will spin the Wheel of Wow! Before Thanksgiving break in the cafĂ© for the Eagle Effort quarterly winners. Eagle effort winners are chosen by the classroom teachers through random drawings every quarter. Good Luck students!

PTO meets this Wednesday 11/10/10 at 7:00 in the library. Babysitting is available.

Summerside Fourth and Fifth grade teachers want to thank Mrs. Rena Ford (Gifted Instructional Specialist) for holding a MIMIO workshop after school on Thursday, November 4th. Mrs. Ford showed our teachers some instructional ideas for using this technology in their classrooms. PTO purchased four MIMIO systems last year for our school. Next year all classrooms will be outfitted with interactive whiteboard systems like the MIMIOs. On Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:30 in our school gym, we will hold a tech shoot out for parents. Teachers will introduce how technology is enhancing the leaning in the classroom for their students. Topics will include: Reading Street internet access/website for parents, Fasst Math, Education City, Study Island, Grade Level Blogs, and of course our school website. Make plans to join us that night.